Connect to Zendesk

Getting Started

Step 1 - Sign Up to get 14 Days Free Subscription (no credit card needed)

Sign up with your Zendesk account to get 14 days trial subscription for free here. This is the simplest option as it connects your Zendesk account to UpBrains and grants your account at UpBrains AI a 14-day free subscription.

Alternative: Sign up with UpBrains and Connect to Zendesk

If you decide to sign up for an UpBrain AI account first, you can still get 14 days free trial subscription after you connect to your Zendesk account once you login.

In Portal, Go to Settings > Zendesk Integration > Connect to Zendesk

  1. Provide your Zendesk Subdomain (not include and hit Save

  1. Click on Connect to Zendesk and Allow UpBrainsAI to access your Zendesk account

Step 2 - Authorize your Team

  1. Go to Settings > Zendesk Integration > Add Team

  1. Fetch your team members by clicking Fetch Your Teammates List From Zendesk

  1. Select the team members you want to authorize (up to the number of users in your subscription)

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